In 2011, God began to give us a vision to minister in a new way to the hurting in our community. This vision was birthed out of God’s Word through the ancient prophet Micah, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8). As a church, we began to explore where God would have us get involved in justice and mercy ministries in our community. He led us more and more to engage in two specific ministry areas: working with homeless families, and working with children in need of foster care and adoption.
As we prayed about where God would have us move forward with this work, God answered with clear direction once again. In the fall of 2014, He opened the door for First Baptist Melbourne to purchase two houses across the street from our church to become the Micah 6:8 Ministry Complex; the home base for our Micah 6:8 ministries. During this time we formed a partnership with Brevard Rescue Mission and we witnessed the launch of our Orphan Care Ministry. This ministry has been a blessing to so many foster families. It has provided resources, shared the love of Christ and impacted many children and families in our community.