December 20 Update
FBC Melbourne
Join us in prayer for the construction of the new Worship Center!

As we approach the culmination of this significant project, we invite you to join us in prayer. Each week, we’ll provide specific prayer prompts related to the construction progress. Together, we can seek divine guidance and blessings for our new worship space.

This week’s prayer & praise points:

Praise Update: The playground and patio are being finished! The AVL system is operational, and the initial training is complete. The cleaning process is being started to get ready for opening!

Continue to pray for…

• There’s been a delay in the fire alarm inspection. Please pray with us that it will be resolved and for the inspection to be scheduled for 12/28.

• We ask you to pray with us for the baptistry to be completed soon.

• Join us in praying for the café to be completed!