October 5 Update
FBC Melbourne
Join us in prayer for the construction of the new Worship Center!

As we approach the culmination of this significant project, we invite you to join us in prayer. Each week, we’ll provide specific prayer prompts related to the construction progress. Together, we can seek divine guidance and blessings for our new worship space.

This week’s prayer & praise points:

Praise Update: We have a date set for the kids theming install! Please pray that the date will hold and that the workers will come to install all of the new kids theming.

Continue to pray for…

• The parking lot lights to get connected to the new transformer that was installed by FPL. We hit another hitch in the road on this part of the project, please pray that God will bring the right workers at the right time to get this work done.

• We are still waiting for the AC adjustment requiring a crane to take place, please pray that everything goes well.

• We are still waiting on approval for our turn lane, please pray that progress would be made soon

• Pray that the date for our “sound panel subcontractor” to return to complete their work will hold

• Progress is being made on our new playground! Please pray that the weather will continue to be favorable for completing this project quickly.